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🌟 Join Us at the Denton Arts and Jazz Festival! 🎶

We will be in the Children’s Art Tent, ready to inspire creativity! Bring your little ones to explore the magic of combining art and music.

🎨 What to Expect:

Hands-on art activities
Opportunities to learn and engage as you turn your creations into musical masterpieces
A fun, interactive environment for all ages
Don’t miss out on a day filled with creativity and joy! We can’t wait to see you there! ✨

Website Info: Denton Arts & Jazz Fest – Jazz in North Texas (dentonjazzfest.com)

Museum Without Walls is designed to provide educational and museum-quality experiences to children and families who may not otherwise be able to visit our location. Experiences can be through onsite fieldtrips or in-person out in our community.

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