We will be open from 2 pm to 4 pm for our members only, 30 people maximum in one hour slots . Please register to secure your time. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409044AA9AF23A7F85-july3
We promote personal steps to reduce the spread of germs.
- We will require all visitors to wash their hands and have their temp taken upon entry. We know that washing your hands regularly and properly is the number one way you can prevent the spread of germs or flu. Therefore, we have signs in all bathrooms reminding our visitors and staff of proper hand-washing procedures, and we provide alcohol-based hand sanitizers at locations throughout the Museum.
- In our make and think area we will have single use materials and tools labeled in containers to prevent multiple people using the same items.
- Our baby area will be temporarily closed and we ask that you help us keep items from being mouthed. We will have multiple containers labeled “needs to be sanitized.”
- Staff will be wearing masks. We encourage parents and children to wear masks but it will not be mandatory.
- The water fountain will be closed off please bring your own water bottle.
- And, as always, we remind all visitors and staff that the best way to prevent the spread of any virus is to stay home if they are feeling unwell. We reserve the right to ask anyone to please visit when they are feeling better.
Our team will be constantly cleaning and sanitizing while members play. Additionally, we will thoroughly clean and sanitize our Museum before and after your visit and constantly clean from 3-4 p.m..
Any questions please email Dinora@exploriumdenton.