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For children ages 6-12, having completed K-5th grade
Join Dino Bo for a fun filled summer camp hosted by the Explorium. Over the course of 2 days your kids will take on the role of junior paleontologists! Together we will learn how dinosaurs ate, hunted, and lived. Our Junior Paleontologists will also learn how to excavate and will search for and bring home real fossils! We will only have 16 spots available.

Please bring a water bottle and a light snack. We will host our camp in our make and think area to allow for social distancing instead of our usual classroom set up. We will also only have our camp staff and campers in our museum. The museum will not be open for public play during summer camp times.

Extended hours (8 am to 9 am and 12-1 pm) are available for an additional pricing, please email info@exploriumdenton.org for more information.


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